(817) 439-8177
13276 US-287, Haslet, TX
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm | Sat: 8am-5pm


Cold Facts About A/C Refrigerant

Your vehicles’ A/C system requires the use of a toxic gas we routinely call “Freon.” Decades ago, all vehicles used R12 Freon. More recently, a safer form came out called Freon R134a. Now, there is a much safer form called R1234yf. These gases cannot be mixed, so your technician needs to be aware of which Freon is used in your vehicle. It’s this gas that delivers the clod charge to the air inside your vehicle and cools the interior.

The Road to a Long-Lasting Vehicle

Most people buy a vehicle with the intent of keeping it for as long as possible. This is how you maximize enjoyment and minimize the cost of ownership. During the time of ownership, we discover that some cars we like a lot, and some not so much. But the common denominator is this…the better care a vehicle receives, the longer it will last!

The key is to do regular service and maintenance, both for the mechanical systems and to the body and interior. When you keep your vehicle clean and running well, it will take you a long way down the road to a vehicle that lasts and lasts.

Auto Repair and Service: What to Expect

If you’re having a problem with your car, truck, or SUV, contact us right away and let us know what the issue is. We won’t diagnose your problem over the phone, but we can usually tell you if your car should be towed, or if it can be driven in for repair. Once here, we’ll do a thorough inspection, and provide an estimate of what the repair will cost. We’ll also make you aware of any other areas that may need attention.

Auto Repair: Wondering About Your Warranty?

Car dealerships make money when you buy their car, but they make a lot when you bring it in for service. Consider us your “dealership replacement.” We can do any job they can, and you’ll be able to save hundreds of dollars on any repair! Plus, we warranty our parts and labor for everything we do. Our goal is to give you peace of mind whenever you drive, so rest easy, drive safely, and count on us to be there whenever you need us.

Why You Need To Protect Your Catalytic Converter

It happens across America every day.

Someone enters their vehicle, on their way to work. They turn the key (or push the start button) and are surprised by THE LOUD SOUND OF AN OPEN EXHAUST PIPE RIGHT UNDER THEIR FEET! What’s going on ??

They’ve just become the victim of a catalytic converter thief. Next to the “grab and go” of the casual thief or drug addict, it’s the number one item stolen from vehicles today, as many as two thousand each month. Why is there so much interest in stealing this item?

April is National Car Care Month: Spring into Action

The weather is warming up. Days are getting longer, and thoughts of outdoor activities are in the air. Now is the time to take care of any deferred maintenance, or any vehicle service that you’ve been putting off. We can help with a thorough inspection that will identify any areas that need attention. Plus, with suppliers running specials during this month, you’ll save money and be ready for any family outings or car trips. Call us for an appointment today!

Watch Out: 3 out of 4 Vehicles Need Service Right Now!

That’s right. Three out of four vehicles on the road right now have some need for service. That car in front of you…bad brakes. In the right lane next to you…it pulls to the left. That SUV behind you has bad wipers that don’t clear the windshield. Good thing it’s not raining.

Whether it is a part beginning to fail, or a lack of maintenance, these cars are operating on the very edge. This means that in an emergency, YOUR car will make the difference between safe passage, or being in an accident not of your making.

A Broken Tire Can Shake Things Up

You jump in your car to do a quick errand, and you notice a steady vibration through the steering wheel. You’re sure you didn’t hit any potholes recently, and it sure wasn’t vibrating earlier today…

It could be a broken belt in your tire! Tires are made up of layers of material, many times made from different materials to give them particular characteristics. When a belt breaks, it changes the shape of the tire and weakens the area under the tread. In some cases, the tire might look completely normal!
